Welcome to the Hippie Mama Homestead community! This is a place to find answers to gardening, poultry keeping, canning, recipes, parenting tips and other life “from scratch” advice. I am by no means an expert, but love continuing to learn and share my experiences. This blog aims to help others as well as to provide a safe place forum where we can help each other learn and grow. Not only will you find helpful tips, but also other tools to help you along the way.
A little about this hippie mama…
I have a variety of life experiences, but my greatest adventure yet is being a work at home mama to my daughter. My faith guides my life and parenting choices and I am blessed to share this walk with my husband. My hobbies include a great love of cooking, canning, the outdoors, poultry and animal care and of course gardening.
If you want to learn more and stay up to date with posts and offers, sign up below. I’d love to get to know you!