(This post contains affiliate links. Your purchase through these links help keep this mama’s coffee cup full and her critters fed. Thank you for your support!)
Most of us can agree that motherhood is one of the greatest joys and fulfilling experiences in our life. Becoming a mother can be transformative on many levels, revealing a part of ourselves we didn’t know existed. That being said, I’m sure we all can agree that it’s not all rainbows and puppy dogs. Life is going great one day, your meals are planned (and actually getting prepared!), the house is (mostly) clean, the baby and hubby are happy….
Then it hits. Bam! Outta nowhere you have one of those days -you know the kind of day I speak of-the kind of day that begins and ends with screaming, tears, and overall guilt of not being the mother you had thought you were and aspire to be. How do we get through those long days, move on from the mama guilt, and not lose our minds in the process?
I’m still learning as I go, but here are my 5 top ways to getting through the rough days:
- Coffee, coffee, and more coffee
Or tea, or chocolate, or your favorite form of caffeine. My personal favorite happens to be Kicking Horse Coffee Co. Grizzly Paw Dark Roast. Get your bag of this awesome cup o’joe here! Let’s face it, caffeine is the miracle drug that gets us through when we’ve been up all night with a sleepless little one who apparently can just keep on going like the energizer bunny come morning…
- Reconnect with Your Little One
I know, this might seem like the exact opposite of what you feel like doing, but I swear by the fact that sometimes my girl just needs her mama to be still, sit with her, and just be together. When I lay all the distractions aside and focus on my girl as the priority she is, often times the situation just turns for the positive. Who doesn’t just need someone to love and hold them on a rough day after all? Author L.R. Knost focuses on this parent child connection and it’s importance throughout development in her book Two Thousand Kisses a Day. It’s a great read for any gentle parent!
- Find Your Center
Sometimes the day is just so far gone and stressful you need to just reconnect with yourself, or find your center. Let’s face it, mama might just need some me-time. This might be taking an hour and soaking in a bubble bath (like this one from Aura Cacia) or going to a favorite yoga class. Find what helps you balance and center your stress and emotions. For me this means spending time in the garden and with my critters. Taking care of ourselves helps us be better able to care for our families.
- Find Your Tribe
This is huge guys! All of us mama’s need to find that tribe of friends that just get us. The friends who we can go to and vent, or share a drink or a cry and know that we are safe from judgment and criticism. This tribe could be in person, long distance, or online. Know who you can go to when the times are tough and you need some emotional and mental support.
- Let Go of the Mom Guilt
Last, but certainly not least, let go of the guilt. Personally, for me this is easier said than done, but at the end of the day we are all giving our all to our children and family. Would we expect anything more than 100% from them? Why would we expect more from ourselves. Know that you are enough and you are giving enough. Tomorrow is a new day, so let go of today’s guilt and start afresh in the morning.
Hopefully you can use these tips to help you through the rough days too. Drop me a comment with your tips for getting through the tough patches, we are all in this together!